Faslul Haq Provides visitors with vital content in all aspect of Islamic education, articles and Videos, all downloads are available for free.
What you Get: Articles and Quiz of different kind, like Qur'an Quiz, Hadith and History.
Faslul Haq has been in existence since 2020, and this blog is a non-profit blog, we only set up this blog for the purpose of sharing knowledge, from the little knowledge God has blessed us with, and we are always willing to do more better than ever, No knowledge is a waste, it is just that we are asking Allah to give us the opportunity to have the understanding and to comprehend the knowledge and may the opportunity always come to everyone. FASLUL HAQ does not entertain any form of misleading information/content like fake online business, ponzi sites or links, but can promote a reasonable way of improvement in all aspects of knowledge Islamically and how you can become successful in this life and hereafter.
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Instagram: @faslulhaqblog
Twitter: @faslulhaqblog
Date of Initiation: 1/9/2020.
State: Kaduna Nigeria.
Contact info:Click here to visit the contact page.
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The mission is to provide the best contents to our visitors and to promote knowledge growth and circulation.
Moto: Seeking of Knowledge is inevitable.