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40 Minor Signs of the Hour | Al-Qiyaamah - Judgement Day.


The 40 minor signs of the day of judgement.


There are condition that have to be fufilled before the end comes and pass, which divided into three(3): 

  • Signs that have already come and then passed.
  • Signs that are manifested and Still remain with us and then continue to increase in an increase rate. 
  • Signs that have not yet come among the 10 major sign, Ashrat - Alkubrah, that are yet to occur,

among these sign is the advent of the prophet pbuh himself.

  1. The opening of jerusalem. 
  2. A death that will eat you away like certain disease or illness that afflicts the goats "The Plague".
  3. Time of tials and tribulation (Al-fitan). 
  4. The false prophets. 
  5. The appearance if fire in Hejaz. 
  6. The wars with the turks.
  7. The slave woman give birth to her owner. 
  8. The shrinking of Time, the time will not have any blessings or value.
  9. Sinking stunning and transformation of animals. 
  10. Lies and fabrication in religion. 
  11. The sky rains but nothing grows. 
  12.  Devils imprisoned in the ocean will be released. 
  13. The ratio of women to men increases. 
  14. The war with Al-yahood, the Jews. 
  15. The desire of dying.
  16. Animals and object speaking.
  17. The battle with Roman. 
  18. Euphrates Rivers Reveals a mountain of Gold 
  19. False witness in the court.  
  20. Devour usury; take brides, erect tall buildingd. 
  21. Follow desires, sell religion for worldly gain. 
  22. Trivialise the shedding of blood. 
  23. When clemency is seen as weakness and tarnny is glory and their minister is treacherous. 
  24. Scholars are libertines; injustice is everywhere. 
  25. Divorce is prevalent.
  26. Sudden death become common place.
  27. Qur'ans are ornamented; mosques are embellished. 
  28. Knowledge will Decrease in an Increasing Rate. 
  29. Contracts are broken.
  30. Entertainment is consumed everywhere. 
  31. Preversion and sexual promiscuity become accepted.
  32. Traitors are trusted and trusted people are deemed traitors. 
  33. Women earn incomes like their husband. 
  34. Covertous of material things. 
  35. Hostility between the people. 
  36. People swears oaths without being asked to. 
  37. Erection of Tall Buildings.
  38. The Iman Almahdi's coming.
  39. Destruction of the kabah. 
  40. Blessed wind take away the soul of the believers.

The Opening of Jerusallem.
This sign happen in the time of sayyidina Umar ibn Alkattab ra, Abu Ubaidah and Amr ibn Aljarrah was the leader of the army and he was surrounding jerusallem and the jerusallem had to surrender, they had no choice of fighting the muslims army. therefore they sent a message to Abu Ubaidah, telling him that they are willing to surrender and hand over the key to jerusallem but they want the leader(Khalifa) of muslim to have the key.

The plague.
A death that will eat you away like a disease that afflicts the goat and this is talking about the plague, this plague occured in the 18th year of Hijrah and it happen in As-sham after the opening of jerusallem and it was a major disaster for the muslims, a great loss for Ummah because more than 25,000 muslims died in the plague.

Times of Trials and Tribulation(Al-fitan).
Do good deeds before the time of trials and tribulation that are like darkness of the night, during this time, a man would be a believer in the morning and by the night time, he is a disbeliever, why? Rosulullah pbuh said: they are selling their religion for a worldly benefits, in terms of fitan(Trials and Tribulation), the prophet pbuh pointed at the east (of madinah) and he said, this is the source of fitan and he said that's where the horn of shaytaan will comes out; evil, many of the deviants sects came out from the east, political unreast and then At-Tatar; The mangolians, Ad-Dajjal; The prophet said, it comes out from the east, Yajuj wa Majuj(Gog and Magog); they also come out from the direcction of the east.

The False Prophets.
Rasulullah pbuh said that the day of judgement will not occur untill 30 false prophet arise; every one of them is claiming that he is a messenger, among the most famous of these are two false prophet who claimed to be a prophets in the life of Rasulullah pbuh and they were; Musailamah Al-kazzab in Al-Yamama(Yamen) and Al-Aswad Al-nsi in Sana'a in Yamen. Musailamah Al-kazzab even though his qur'an was miserable, He has such a huge follower, hundreds of thousand of people followed him, he got married to a woman named Sajjah, who also claimed to be a prophet too. When Musailamah was killed; she found out that this prophethood thing is not giving her any advances, so she forget about it and become a muslim again. 

Tulayha Al-Asadi; also claimed but he gave up his claim and he become a muslim and they say his islam was a fine one after that is Al-mukhtar ibn Al-Ubaid As-thaqafi and in the modern times, we have Mirza Ghulam; He is the founder of Al-Qadianiyah.

The Appearance of fire in Hejaz.
Rosulullah pbuh says: The hour will not be established until a fire come out of the land of Hejaz and it will throw light on the neck of the camels of Bursa; Bursa is a town in As-sham in Syria, Hejaz is in Medina and Mecca. This fire was actually a volcano close to Medina and it has been seen in the time of An-Nawawi; An-Nawawi says, In the year 654 Hijir, in our time a big fire came out in Medina; Ibn Kathir says; that the Bedouin were able to see this spark of light in Bursa on the neck of their camels, so this sign has already happened in Medina.

The War With The Turks.
Rosulullah pbuh said: The hour will not be established until you fight with the Turks; people with small eyes, red faces and flat noses; their face look like shield coated with leather, the hours will not be established until you fight with people whose shoes are made of hair. Subhanallah; You see the miracle of this hadith, the Muslims fought with people with the exact description, the Mangolians who are considered to be from these people, they actually swept over the Muslim world and destroy it, under the leadership of Genghis Khan, and when they entered into Baghdad, they just destroyed the whole city, it is said that, they killed about 2 million and then they went into the library of Baghdad and they took all the book and used it as a bridge for them to cross over the Eupherate river, it is said that, the color of the water of that river changed for days, it was black, because of the ink in the books, they destroyed the Muslim world and then Rosulullah pbuh said: you will find that some of the best people in this religion are these people; the Mongolians; even though they were victorious and they were the rulers of the Muslim world, they adapted the Islamic religion.

The slave human give birth to her owner.
There will be a time that there will be so much disobedient of parents and children will be so rude and aggressive with their dealing with their mother to the extent that it becomes like a lave and master relationship.
The shrinking of time.
There will be a stage when time will not have any blessings or value and we can see the evidence of that now, a whole day will pass by and you will fill like you have accomplished nothing, years will pass by and you see that you are going no where, people will have such a luxurious life; that time will pass by very fast, the shrinking of time due to new form of communication and transportation, a trip that would take you a month a few centuries ago, now you can do it in a few hours.
The appearance of shirk in this ummah.
 Worshipping the dead; worshipping the graves, some of this already happened and is still happening.
Sinking stunning and transformation into Animals.
Human beings will be transformed into a pig or monkey or another animal, most of the scholars said, this is the physical actual transformation, some of them say it is a transformation of the heart.
Lies and Fabrication in Religion.
Approaching the end of time, there will be 'Dajjalun'; People who Lie, 'Khazaabun' are liars, they present you with talk that you did not hear and your forefathers never heard of before, it was never heard by Muslims before , the Prophet Muhammad pbuh says , beware of them! Don't let them mislead you and misguide you. Therefore these are people who might come in the cloak of religion and they are presenting the people with things and they're attributing this to islam and it didn't belong to Islam, they're making it up and they're lying. With manipulation and deception, and the Prophet Muhammad pbuh is warming us from them.
The sky rains but nothing grows.
When the earth is not going to be receivins any blessings, the people will currupt the world so much that the rain that is falling is not going to be like rain but it will just be like an acid rain, and Allah knows best.

Devils in the ocean.
Abdulahi Ibn Aas says in an Hadith of muslim, that there are devils imprisoned in the ocean and they were imprisoned by prophet suleiman(AS), these devils are going to come out of the sea of the ocean and they are going to recite to the people words and they are going to claim that these are revelations and the Holy scripture and they might even claim that these are QUR'AN but nobody can temper with the words of the Qur'an as it is only protected by Allah the almighty.
The ratio of women to men increases. 
An Nawawwi says that, the reason behind this is that in the times of Tribulations and trials there will be so many wars and battle and so many men would be killed, therefore there would be a big difference in the ratio, fifty women to one man, subhanallah, that is how big the difference is going to be.
Increase in killing; Desires of dying.
The Prophet Muhammad mentioned that There will an increase in killing to the extent that, the one who is being killed and the one who is killing, they don't even know why, "the live of people will be cheap, it not you killing each other, but the Muslim killing a muslim" how could that happen, how could this ummah, perhaps we have the same Lord, the same prophets and also the same book, the same ibadah and the same everything, but yet we fight each other. SubhanaAllah.
Animals and Object speaking.
This happen (pbuh) Abu saied, Al-khudri Says that there was a shepard with his sheeps and a wolf attacked and grabbed one of the sheep and run away with it, so the shepard followed the wolf and grabbed the sheep away from the wolf, so the wolf sat on its back on its tail just like a human being will sit and the wolf said; fear Allah, you are taking away from me the food that was sent to me by Allah, so the shepard said, this is amazing, a wolf sitting down on his tail, speaking to men like a human being, then the wolf said, "I was telling you something more amazing, Muhammad (pbuh) was in Yathrib and he was teaching the people about thr news of the nations before us", the shepard was shocked, he wasn't a muslim yet so, he immediately went to the prophet (pbuh) in madinah and narrate to him what happen, the prophet(pbuh) gathered all of the companions in the masjid and he told the shepard to stand up and tell them, tell them what you heard and when he did, the prophet (pbuh) said; the day of judgement will not occur untill beast speaks to humans and cain will speak to the man and shoes laces or the leather on the shoes would speak to you and your legs will speak to you about what your family are doing" but it could be representing somethingelse, it could be for example, our mobile phones, we usualy take the literal meaning of the hadith that these things will actually speak.

Euphrates Rivers Reveals a Mountain of Gold.

A time will come when the wupherates river will reveal a mountain of gold, the prophet (pbuh) says if you are there, if you see it, don't take from it. The reason why the prophet (pbuh) is warning us not to touch it is mentioned in an hadith narrated by muslim. Rasulullah (pbuh)says: People would fight on that mountain and out of every one hundred of people, ninety nine would be killed and every one of them is saying i am the one who will be safe and that will only happen because of greed, Rasulullah(pbuh) says; "Don't touch it, leave it, don't go close to it"

False Witness In The Court.

People will go to court and lie and make false witness , the people who know the truth are going to conceal the truth and when this happens it is the destruction of the society, because there is no society that can survive without justice, this justice is the fabric that holds a society forever, when ever it is missing, the life of people become miserable and islam values justice so much, false witness is one of the Major Sins In Islam.
Increase in Riba and Usury. 
The prophet mentioned that, there would be the increase in riba which means the increase in usury; use of interest ; credit cards , mortages and things like that to the extent that no one would be able to escape the dust of it, everybody will be affected by it and this is without doubt the truth of the world economy today, the whole world economy is affected and controlled by banks and the use of interest money. 
Rosulullah pbuh said; a time will come when the people will not care about where they get their money from, whether it is from halal or haram, people just want to make money fast, that's their aim and objectives, for such people they would be held accountable and asked by Allah swt on the day of the reckoning every penny that they have; how they make it and how did they spend it.

Sudden Death.

A death that will be a heart attacks, strokes and all these disease of modern society and now it has become an epidemic and a big problem in our society, because the modern life style of the technological era that we are in now.

Mosques will become like palaces.
The Prophet Muhammad pbuh also mention that, the mosques will become like palaces even though the messenger of Allah pbuh ordered simplicity in the house of Allah, the fact is these mosques become more and more decorated, more money is spent in the building of mosques and this is the situation of the world to day. Abu Darda said, "if you decorate your mosques and the moshaf(the Quran) then destruction is coming."

Knowledge Will Decrease In An Increasing Rate 
The prophet said that there will be increase in literacy, infact so many people would be able to read and write but actually knowlrdge will decrease and prophet pbuh said that religious knowledge will decrease not by the books disappearing but the schollars passing away so that only ignorant people will remain and people will ask them for religious verdicts and they will give it even though they are ignorantand they will misguide others. 
Imam Malik was visited by a person who came all the way from morocco, He came to Al-imam Maalik with fourty question and imam malik responded with Allah I do not know (Allah knows best to 36 questions. The man told him that I came all the way from morocco but only for you to tell me: Allahu Alam, I don't know Allah knows best, What wil I tell my people when I reach? then Imam Malik said to him, tell them, Imam Malik says, I do not know.

Increase in sexual promiscuity.
There will be an increase in sexual promiscuity that any one can not deny that today, because this is happening in our world today and every day, with highly sexualised images and even traditional societies that no body normaly have a good traditional moral, values promiscuity, it is becoming more common and the prophet pbuh said; that because of this, disease would appears that people have never heard of it before, AIDs was a disease that did not exist before and Allah sent it into the people because of zina and zina is underspread and it is public look of billboard, advertising zina, television, movies, boy friends and girl friends romance, All of these things promiscuity and relationships between the human would be just like it is in the animal kingdom among donkeys which donkey does everything in public. 
He also mention that women will be naked: although they are dressed, I don't think this is a better way of describing the dress of some women today with the clothes that are also tight; with which they describe every shape of their body.

Hostility Between The People.
Rosulullah pbuh says, on e of the signs of the day of judgement; is that you will only give "Salaam" to the ones you know.
People will not know each other, you might know the person very well but the way you deal with that person is as if he is nobody, it will be like the law of the jungle, when the people are going to be brothers in the public, shake hand, hug and embrace themeselves, but inside(mind), they are enemies.

The rise of the low.
There will be tricky years, where the liar will be believed; and the truthful one will not be believed; the untrustworthy will be trusted and the trust worthy will not be trusted, the prophet said, this is the lowly; this significant will be talking in the affairs of the people, the person would be a leader, and that person would set the plans, and that person will cheat, and these are the position are now occupied in the muslim world; by the people of this time, and the ones who have the knowledge and the ability of leading are killed and exiled , executed and eliminated.

Erection Of Tall Buildings.
The prophet pbuh predicted something which is about one housand four hundred years ago, that threre will be six tallest building in the world if you look at it in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain etc has most tallest building; Subhanallah, this is truely a sign of the last day.
Nice reading, do you want to test your knowledge?

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